Community members
We’d love it if you joined us!
If you are a community representative and you would like your community to become part of TMK, either through research partnerships, facilitation of community tools, or dialogue, please contact us (contact at the bottom of the page).
Ways to get involved:
- Contribute to our Kai Korero magazine, by submitting written articles, photos, recipes, or stories.
- Volunteer to help apply the Marine Cultural Health Index or Estuary Toolkit in your community.
- Collaborate with us to apply for grants for local projects. We can help you prepare them and offer guidance, for peer-review of your application.
- Host a TMK hui in your community.
- Attend our lectures and events.
- Use our research to support a community project or local advocacy need.
- Host a TMK student in your community, or as an assistant of a local project.

Tasman Gillies, Matea Gillies & Nigel Scott undertaking a Tuaki survey, May 2015
Tātai kōrero ka ngaro, tātai kōrero ka rangona.