
Coyle L., Gnanalingam G., Flack B., Wenley J., Bennett-Jones L., Hepburn C. (2023). Ruapuke pāua baseline surveys 2023.

Coyle L., Wenley J., Pritchard D., Scott N., Hepburn C. (2023). Makaawhio Scoping Trip, 2023.

Coyle L., Gnanalingam G. (2022). Kōura (Jasus edwardsii) survey: Ulva Island/ Te Wharawhara Marine Reserve & Te Whaka a Te Wera Mātaitai, 2022.

Coyle L., Pritchard D., Scott N., Flack B., Howarth T., Keeler-May G., Hepburn C. (2022). Undaria Control Across the Ngāi Tahu Takiwā, 2021/22, Prepared for Toitū te Whenua, Land Information New Zealand by Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu and the University of Otago.

Coyle L., Bennett-Jones L., Gnanalingam G., Pritchard D., Flack B., Hepburn C. (2021). East Otago Taiāpure pāua surveys, 2021.

Coyle L., Pearson N., Richards D., Hall J., van Halderen L., Kearney E., Twigg I., Williams M., Jarett S., Pritchard D., Scott N., Hepburn C. (2018). Mahinga Kai Baseline Survey, Akaroa Taiāpure, 2018.

Coyle L., Fachon E., Leith V., Richards D., Stuzibkry P., Kearney E., Gilles T., McKinnon J., Stephens T., Pritchard D., Scott N., Hepburn C. (2018). Waikawa Tumu Toka Mātaitai; Data report for baseline mahinga kai monitoring 2014-2015.

Kearney E.J.F., Van Halderen L., Gillies T.T., Richards D.K., Scott N, Pritchard D.W. Rayment W., Hepburn C.D. (2018). Baseline Rāwaru (Parapercis colias) survey for Te Taumanu o Te Whaka o Māui Taiāpure, Kaikōura, 2017.

Richards D.K, Subritzky P , Kearney E.J.F, Gillies T.T., Hepburn C.D, Pritchard D.W. (2018). Data report for mahinga kai monitoring within the Waitutu Mātaitai 2010-2016.

Hepburn C.D., Van Halderen L., Bagnaro A., Desmond M.J., Jackson A-M, Kearney E.J.F., Kluibenschedl A., Richards D.K., Subritzky P, Twist B., Pritchard D.W. (2017). Baseline Mahika Kai Survey and Monitoring Framework for Shallow Rocky Reefs in the Moeraki Mātaitai. For Moeraki Rūnaka and Tangata Tiaki.

Hepburn C.D, Subritzky P. , Richards D.K, Pritchard D.W. Status of the East Otago Taiapure Pāua Fishery 2008-2016. (2016) 17 pp. April.

Subritzky, P.; Scott, N.; Hepburn, C.; and Pritchard, D. (2015). Baseline monitoring within the Opihi and Waitarako Mataitai (Preliminary Report)

Pritchard, D.; Gover, I.; Subritzky, P. & Richards, D. (2015). Baseline survey of the Waikawa Tumu Toka Mataitai (Preliminary Report)

Russell, P.; Hepburn, C.; Rayment, W.; Twist, B; and Kearney, E. (2014). Ngā Tipa o Te Whaka ā Te Wera Mātaitai: Stratified survey of the Paterson Inlet customary scallop (Pecten novaezelandiae) fishery, 2013. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2014/16. Ministry for Primary Industries, Wellington, New Zealand.

Akins, A.; Scott, N.; McCarthy, A.; Schweikert, K.; Moller, H.; and Hepburn, C. (2013) Ngāi Tahu Marine Cultural HealthIndex 2013 User Manual. He Kōhinga Rangahau No. 16. 8 pp. University of Otago, Dunedin.

Moller, J.A.; Garden, C.; Moller, S.I.; Beentjes, M.; Bradley, D.; Skerrett, M.; Scott, D.; Stirling, F.F.; Moller, J.S.; and Moller, H. (2013). Impact of vehicles on recruitment of toheroa on Oreti Beach. Ecosystems Consultants Report 2013/3.

McCarthy, A.; Garden, C.; Flack, B.; Bragg, C.; Meadows, S.; Hepburn, C.; Moller, H.; and Scott, N. (2013) Who is catching what? A survey of recreational fishing effort and success on the East Otago Taiāpure. He Kōhinga Rangahau No. 17. xx pp. University of Otago, Dunedin.

Scott, D.; Moller, J.S.; Garden, C.; Stirling, F.; Moller, S.; Bartlett, M.; Beentjes, M.P.; Bradley, D.; Larkin, G.; Skerrett, M.; Rajapaksa, G.; Moller, J.A.; and Moller, H. (2013) Recreational use of Oreti Beach, Southland, New Zealand, 2010 – 2012. Ecosystems Consultants Report 2013/2.

Hepburn, C.D. and Richards, D.K. (2012) Baseline survey of the proposed Waitutu Mātaitai reserve 2010. He Kōhinga Rangahau No 12. 18 pp. University of Otago, Dunedin.

Hepburn, C.D. and Richards, D.K. (2012) Current status of the pāua fishery within Punawai O Toriki Mātaitai 2012. He Kōhinga Rangahau No 11. 20 pp. University of Otago, Dunedin.

Hepburn, C.D. and Richards, D.K. (2012) Status of the pāua Huriawa Peninsula 2008-2012. He Kōhinga Rangahau No. 14. 20 pp. University of Otago, Dunedin.

Hepburn, C.D.; Richards D.K.; and T. Neha. (2012) Ka Whakapiri Ora te Ha o Te Aitanga a Mate me Te Tari Putaio Taimoana Workshop and baseline survey of Te Rohe Moana o Te Aitanga a Mate, January 2011. He Kōhinga Rangahau No 10. 27 pp. University of Otago, Dunedin.

Richards, D.K. and Hepburn, C.D. (2012) Kaitiaki Fisheries Wānanga East Otago Taiāpure 17th to 20th March 2012. He Kōhinga Rangahau No. 13. 30 pp. University of Otago. April 2012.

Schweikert, K.; McCarthy, A.; Akins, A.; Scott, N.; Moller, H.; Hepburn, C.; and Landesberger, F. (2012) A Marine Cultural Health Index for sustainable management of mahinga kai in Aotearoa – New Zealand. He Kōhinga Rangahau No. 15. 88 pp. University of Otago, Dunedin.

Hepburn, C.D. and Richards, D. (2010) Baseline survey of the proposed Waitutu mātaitai. Preliminary Report to Waitutu Incorporation. 11 pp. December 2010.

Hepburn, C.D. (2010) Current status of the pāua fishery within Te Punawai o Toriki Mātaitai. Preliminary Report to Waikoau Runanga. 16 pp. October 2010.

Hepburn, C.D.; Newman, J.E.; and Moller, H. (2010) Ecosystem Health within the Koukourārata mātaitai 2008-2010. He Kōhinga Rangahau No 9. 20 pp. University of Otago, Dunedin.

Hepburn C.D.; Newman, J.E.; and Moller, H. (2010) Koukourārata mātaitai Ecosystem Health. Ministry of Fisheries Report. 43 pp. 19th October 2010.

Hepburn, C.D. (2009) Preliminary results from Punawai o Tōriki Mātaitai Survey (12th-17th of October 2008). Report to Waikoau Runanga. 6 December 2009.

Bird, T.; Moller, H.; Scott, N.; and Pirker, J. (2009) Traditional Māori and scientific methods for translocating and re-seeding pāua (Haliotis iris). He Kōhinga Rangahau No. 8. 92 pp. University of Otago, Dunedin.

Futter, J. and Moller, H. (2009) Mātauranga, monitoring and management of toheroa (Paphies ventricosa) in Mirihiku. He Kōhinga Rangahau No. 7. 90 pp. University of Otago, Dunedin.

Hepburn, C.D. and McLeod, R. (2009). Should giant kelp be managed under the QMS? Report providing information to the scientific and wider community on proposed harvesting of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera. 6 pp. University of Otago, Dunedin. September 2009.

Moller H. and Futter, J. (2009) A monitoring protocol to measure impacts of sudden die-back events on populations of Toheroa (Paphies ventricosa) on Southland beaches. He Kōhinga Rangahau No. 6. 30 pp. University of Otago, Dunedin.

Moller, J.S.; Moller, S.I.; Futter, J.; Moller, J.A.; Harvey, J.; White, H.; Stirling, F.; Stirling, F.F.; and Moller, H. (2009) Potential impacts of vehicle traffic on recruitment of Toheroa (Paphies ventricosa) on oreti Beach, Southland, New Zealand. He Kōhinga Rangahau No. 5. 60 pp. University of Otago, Dunedin.

Hepburn, C.D. (2008) The status of local pāua fisheries, proposed research, and management plans for the East Otago Taiāpure. Information pack to East Otago Boating and Fishing Club. 30 October 2008.

Pirker, J.; Kallqvist, E.; Moller, H.; Dyer, M.; Phillips-Zygadlo, H.; and Shaw, E. (2008) Who is Catching What? A survey of fishing effort and success on the Ākaroa Taiāpure and Te Whaka a Te Wera Mātaitai. He Kōhinga Rangahau No. 4. University ofOtago, Dunedin.

Schweikert, K.; Moller, H.; and Hepburn, C. (2008) Development of a Marine Health Index for effective management of mātaitai and taiāpure: A review of relevant indicators and design considerations. He Kōhinga Rangahau No. 2. 36 pp. University of Otago, Dunedin.


Chris Hepburn, Marine Sciences Department, University of Otago
Office: 310 Castle Street, Room 144  |  Tel: 64 3 479 7462  |  Email: